Moments & Purpose  

I was so glad to be there. In that moment with my daughter… I was so PRESENT. I was so glad I was there with her. I know she could sense my happiness too.  We were volunteering at our church with adorable 3-5 year olds.

Wow!  If you need to get back to the original version of yourself and find your PURPOSE,  spend time with 3 to 5 year olds, or any young child for that matter. Through their eyes you see WONDER, EXCITEMENT, and PURE JOY. These children say what they feel, help one another, disagree and are just themselves.

They are in the MOMENT.

A couple Sundays a month we spend time together helping others.  

Community Service is very important to me.  I learned this from my dad. Serving others brings joy and energy to me.  It gives me purpose and it makes me live in the moment. The best part…time with my own child.

I get to see her smile, she is full of energy and I even learn more about her.  She is already a strong, fearless and confident leader. She is also warm, caring and a very good listener. She loves to help others too. What happens when we become adults & lose joy in the small moments? WHY does this happen?

Don’t let it slip away. Keep your sense of Wonder.  Give volunteering a try.

Serve others and find your purpose.

#serveothers #joy #purpose #liveinthemoment