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A News Reporter Just Called! Ready?
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare WHY do you need to prepare for a media interview? We all know the saying…practice makes perfect. We also know the saying failing to prepare is preparing to fail. It’s true! You need to prepare for an interview! If you are NOT prepared you...
Do You Want to Be Visible? Media Relations Can Help
What is Media Relations? Media Relations is one part of the Public Relations puzzle. This is the work done to build relationships with media outlets so an organization or individual can share or communicate its mission and purpose with a targeted audience. Media...
To Influence, or Control: That is the Question
I recently heard a great lecture about the idea of controlling or influencing individuals. It got me thinking. What is truly better? I’m sure when you get down to the nuts and bolts, it’s a very personal decision. “The key to successful leadership today is influence,...
What I Learned From My Dad
My true role models are in my own family. Specifically, my DAD, Samuel T. McClure. My father taught us to answer the phone, "McClure residence, Jennifer speaking." He taught my brother and me to shake hands and look someone right in the eye. To listen. To be caring...
What’s Your Purpose?
Moments & Purpose I was so glad to be there. In that moment with my daughter... I was so PRESENT. I was so glad I was there with her. I know she could sense my happiness too. We were volunteering at our church with adorable 3-5 year olds. Wow! If you need to...
My WHO is: Organizations and individuals who want to make their community a better place and need my help to communicate their message. Is that YOU? #WHYWHATWHO
WHAT I want to connect others to the communities they want to serve. I want to help organizations communicate their message effectively so they can spend their time helping others, succeeding in their mission and reach their goals. WHAT challenges you? What makes YOU...
Here is my WHY My overall daily goal is to help others personally and professionally. Why start a business? o I’m an outside-of-the box thinker. o I love to network and connect others (I love meeting new people. It’s energizing!) o I want values in my workplace in...
Leadership & Customer Service is Everywhere
Leadership & Customer Service is Everywhere. Just Look. I learn so much about leadership and customer service at my gym. I find that each instructor is essentially a leader. Instructors are tasked with motivating a class to test limits and reach goals. Is the...